Monday, February 16, 2009

Cousin Maddy (Chad and Lindsey's little girl)

I have been watching Maddy again for the past week. I had her and her sister, Rayden, a couple of summers ago almost all summer long. So we are glad to have them back.

Maddy has been almost like a big sister to Kaden. She is such a little mommy. She helps me feed him, and change his diaper, and run upstairs to his room and pick out his clothes!! She is an awesome little girl...we love her to pieces!! :)

Daddy Night Night Time

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

7 Months

We are 7 months old today!! This time, I am on time with the monthly blog!!

This month Kaden has really been trying to be as mobile as possible. He has his daddy's mindset though...he won't roll around to get to things because he wants to crawl...when he gets in the position to crawl, he tries to find a way to pull himself up to stand now....he is always trying to do bigger and better things...the rest is too childish for him!! :)

He still only has 1 tooth...although I think another one or two might be trying to come in as well. He is saying da-da a lot...not a lot of ma ma quite yet. We are fitting very well into 6-9 month clothing...some 9 month stuff fits too. We are now sitting up very well that we are taking big boy baths sitting up...he LOVES that! He now knows what NO NO means...if you say it to him he starts to cry and then puts his arms out to daddy. He has learned how to squeal or scream as high pitched as he can get his little voice to go. He will do this for no apparent reason.

We have started finger foods with him. So far so good. He can pick them off of his tray on his highchair and feed himself...we are proud of this. He is such a fast learner. He loves to do "big boy" things. He is also starting to play with other kids now. He will actually interact with them, and trade toys, he's so cute about it too.

We are going to try and make a trip to Hickory County sometime soon. When we do we will try to stop by everyone's houses and see you all. We miss everyone and can't wait to see you! :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Feeding Time Frenzy!

We have been working on eating actual solids. Tonight, Kyle and I let Kaden try to feed himself with a cracker. After he successfully drooled that down to nothing more than soggy mush, we let him suck on a chocolate cookie. This is the aftermath. He is just so stinking cute! :)