Wednesday, October 8, 2008

3 Months Old

Kaden turned 3 months old last Friday.

This month he is definitely sleeping more through the night, and staying awake longer during the day. He is getting more bossy. He knows what he wants and what he doesn't want and if he doesn't get his way he has been throwing fits. On the other hand, he has been smiling and cooing more and more which makes up for the bossy part!! ;)

A couple of weekends ago he spent the weekend with Great Grandma Mary while Mommy and Daddy went on a trip to St. Louis for their anniversary. He done really well with her. He slept really good and cuddled with her in the mornings.

We are still at 6 oz (actually 7 because once you put the formula in the water, it adds up to 7). He has been doing really well with it....he doesn't really seem like he is still hungry after his bottle, so I am going to keep it at 6 until he shows signs of needing or wanting more.


Stephanie Kelly said...

man i cant believe its been three months!!

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