Thursday, April 17, 2008

The begining of Kaden's Room

This is the clock I found at Hobby Lobby for only $8. They had the same one online from anywhere between $40-$70!!...I'm pretty happy about my bargain shopping.
This is the lamp that matches his bedding and decor in the room.
This is the BEAUTIFUL crib that Kyle's mom, Diane, bought for him/us. It turns into a toddler bed, and then into a full sized bed's so awesome!! We love it!!
And then this is the bedding that we chose for him. We figured it's not to baby-ish to where we will have to buy him something brand new in a couple of years, he can keep it until he grows out of his toddler bed. I really didn't think that I would like to decorate around the whole sports theme, but surprisingly I'm enjoying it...there are a lot of cute things out there!

The Third Trimester

So, last week was the beginning of the 3rd and final trimester for me (thankfully). So far things have been measuring up to where they need to be and everything has been going as smooth as you can expect with pregnancy.

Kyle and I finally ordered the remaining pieces of furniture for Kaden's room yesterday. We will now be able to finish the room off hopefully by June. I will get pictures up of it as soon as we get it done.

I am so thankful that the warm weather is finally approaching. There is so much to do outside to keep me busy that time seems to be going by faster now. We are currently working on greening up our front and back yard, planting flowers, and doing some more landscaping. Also, warm weather means Springfield Cardinals season is here!! We both really enjoy watching baseball, and can't wait to take Kaden to his first game!!

Well, that is all for now. We will keep you posted on everything as time gets closer and closer for us to welcome our new member to the family!! :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

3-d Pictures of Kaden

This is Kaden at 20 weeks exact!! We think he looks like Kyle or my brother Ryan!!

The Second Trimester

The second trimester has been really good to me. I finally got over my dreadful morning sickness and got some energy back. I feel him kick stronger and stronger everyday. He is growing very nicely and measures up to his due date, which is July 7th, 2008. Oh yeah, and we found out it's a BOY!! His name is Kaden Clay Ulrich. Kaden is one of the only names Kyle and I could agree on and Clay is my grandma's maiden name. We have started on his nursery, which in due time, when it is semi-finished we will post pictures up. The only complaints I have right now, is the fact that I am a bottomless pit when it comes to food, and my back hurts, CONSTANTLY. But all in all, the second trimester has gone by really fast, so lets cross our fingers in hoping that the third does the same!!

First Trimester - Images For Your Page!

During the first trimester, I was really really sick. I was put on two different medications to keep me from vomiting all the time. I was stuck in bed for about 3 weeks. We also had Thanksgivings, and Christmas' to go to with lots of smelly foods that didn't really settle well with my bloodhound senses and my very sensitive stomach. Then, to top it off, Kyle and I both developed the flu, which was very interesting. Our kitchen is on the main level in our house and our bedroom is upstairs. Luckily we have 2 bathrooms upstairs, so he occupied one while I took the other. Getting to and from the kitchen though was not an easy task. We both would moan and groan and argue who was worst off so we wouldn't have to go up and down the stairs! lol. Thankfully, mine was just the 24 hour virus. Kyle's stuck around a little while longer (poor thing).

Surprise! We're Pregnant!!

Thats right, our "honeymoon baby"!! We found out we were pregnant November 3, 2007, through a home pregnancy test taken because I had felt really tired the past couple of other signs or symptoms, just really tired. Not thinking that it was going to be positive, I just kind of looked down at it and looked away, and then realized that I had saw a positive sign and did the double take. I sat there and read the directions over and over again just to make sure what I was seeing was right. As soon as I was for sure it was positive I yelled down the stairs to Kyle, who was in the kitchen, "Kyle, it's Positive, oh my god, it's Positive!!" All Kyle could say with a witty smile on his face was, "Whaaaaat?!!" Obviously neither one of us were expecting it!!

Our Honeymoon

We honeymooned in Colorado. Our first stop was Colorado Springs where we visited my grandparent's old "homestead" when my grandpa was in the army.

Our second stop was Cripple Creek, which is in the mountains with an elevation of around 10,000 ft. It was a neat little mining town. A lot of casinos and old buildings. While we were there we stayed in the old school house that was converted into a bed and breakfast. It was beautiful what they had done to the place. Unfortunately, I got elevation sickness the second night we were there and had to be rushed to the hospital back in Colorado Springs. Thankfully, it wasn't anything serious, just a little dehydration.

Our last stop was in Crested Butte. It too is in the mountains with an elevation of around 11,000 ft I believe. This time I made sure to drink lots of water and stay hydrated so I would stay out of the hospital!! Crested Butte was also a neat little town. It was very compact and had a very unique feel to the "downtown" area. While there, Kyle and I decided to get a trout stamp and go trout fishing in the rivers nearby. There were so many rivers and streams that we had no problem finding a good "fishing hole."

Our Story

As most of you know, Kyle and I got married September 26, 2007. The 26th was my grandpa Gary's birthday who passed away December 3, 2006.

Our wedding was very nice. We had a good amount of people there and more than enough fun to follow. We really couldn't have asked for a better day to celebrate the day that we made our vows to one another. If you would like to see pictures of the event, visit, click on "order prints" and the password is lawson.