Monday, November 3, 2008

4 Months Old

That's right!! The big 4 months today!! Today is also the 1 year anniversary of us finding out we were pregnant. Boy, how time flies by when you are having fun!

Well, this month, Kaden has started to make crawling moves...he gets his little bum up in the air and then pulls himself with his hands, so we are making progress. I started him out on cereal a couple of weeks ago, and he is doing fantastic with it. We haven't started with the spoon yet, but we will soon.

I'm almost more than positive he is starting to teethe. He drools a lot, and chews on EVERYTHING. Plus his schedule is definitely all out of whack and he is fussier than average.

He is into 3-6 month clothing, and growing like a weed. He didn't stay in 0-3 months very long at all!! He is really trying to sit up on his own. I think he is perfectly capable of doing it, he just needs to get his balance.

He is getting to where he is scared of strangers. This was something that I thought I was doing a good job of including a bunch of friends and family in his life so we didn't have to go through the crying when mommy and daddy leaves. It breaks my heart to see him crying and screaming when someone he isn't familiar with hold him. Hopefully this will be something he outgrows fast. I love that he is attached to us, but I want him to be comfortable with the people that we trust to stay with him too.

He has his 4 month check-up Thursday, so I will update more then!! :)


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