Sunday, March 13, 2011

Potty Training

We have been "training" Kaden on the potty since he was almost 2. We had him pretty well potty trained for daytime before we went on our trip to California (back in February) and then we had to start all over again. We were on a train for 2 1/2 days there and then another 2 1/2 days back...there was no way he was going to go to the bathroom in the scary bathroom while we were moving and bouncing around. So when we got back...we went in to boot camp potty training mode!!

He does a great job during the daytime, unless he is too busy playing to tell me he needs to go...but that doesn't happen all the time, and I know accidents happen...he's in "training" for crying out loud.

We JUST started night time potty training this week. The only reason I haven't done this sooner is mainly because he still wakes up with wet diapers in the morning, and he usually sneaks in our bed in the wee hours of the night...I basically KNEW that I was going to be changing sheets all night long. Now, if you know Kyle or myself at all, you know that we are both the GROUCHIEST people on earth to wake up...especially in the middle of the night. So this was not something that I was looking forward to.

How is night time potty training going you ask? Well, the first night...he peed in our bed...I woke up soaked in urine. Fortunately (and I say this for a reason...not because I like it) it embarrassed Kaden to no end. He tried to hide it and deny that he peed in the bed...when we told him that he did indeed do it, he started crying from embarrassment.

Night 2 dry. Night 3 dry. So far so good. I'm not counting my chicken's before they hatch, but I almost think we can forever throw those diapers away. I'm just glad that we are this far before he's 3. :)