Thursday, August 14, 2008

6 Weeks

Kaden is 6 weeks today...I think after he reaches 2 months, I am going to start doing monthly blogs instead of weeks. I run out of new things he's doing!! :)

Ok...soo, this week, Kaden had his welcoming party put on by Aunt Darlene and Cousin Angie. We had a lot of fun with our friends and family. It was at a really nice park close to home, and although it was rainy, it was a great day. Kaden slept through most of it, good thing we took pictures to show him what he missed out on!! :)

He has been getting chunkier and chunkier by the day. We have tried to up his formula intake to 5 oz but he always stops eating at 4 oz, so we will try again later.

He has been more and more alert. He loves to just sit and stare at things all around him. It's getting easier to make smile. He is the happiest in the mornings, which makes it easier to get up with him, to see his cute toothless smile.

He doesn't seem to be sleeping as much....last night was the first night we had problems with him not going to sleep. He wanted to be held all night.

We started putting him in his crib to sleep last weekend as well. He does really well with it, which, we didn't think we would have any problems.

Oh yeah, and HIS CORD FINALLY FELL OFF on Friday!! I was really excited!! That silly thing wouldn't fall off for the life of us all, and finally it was just laying on his tummy when I went to change his diaper!! Kyle says the reason it took so long was because Kaden didn't want to detach himself from mommy!! :)


Staci said...

I said the same thing about Miles' blog but the older they get the more and more pictures you take and the more and more cute things they do. You can't me you will always have stuff to post :) Plus I gotta get my Kaden fix. I'm sure I'm not the only one either.