Thursday, April 3, 2008

Surprise! We're Pregnant!!

Thats right, our "honeymoon baby"!! We found out we were pregnant November 3, 2007, through a home pregnancy test taken because I had felt really tired the past couple of other signs or symptoms, just really tired. Not thinking that it was going to be positive, I just kind of looked down at it and looked away, and then realized that I had saw a positive sign and did the double take. I sat there and read the directions over and over again just to make sure what I was seeing was right. As soon as I was for sure it was positive I yelled down the stairs to Kyle, who was in the kitchen, "Kyle, it's Positive, oh my god, it's Positive!!" All Kyle could say with a witty smile on his face was, "Whaaaaat?!!" Obviously neither one of us were expecting it!!